Everyone is blogging these days. And, from what I see, it's a really mixed bag out there in the blogosphere. Part of me says "so what makes you think that with all these billions of ideas floating around, that someone would want to see YOURS?" I think that a lot, actually. There's already a bunch of "spiritual life" and prayer-based sites. Who needs another.
But, as a pastor and a Christian, with a passion for writing liturgy and not satisfied (at least not always) with traditional prayer forms, it's time to take a crack at this. I hope to post prayers (personal and liturgical), Biblical reflections, and occasional theological musings which maybe someone, maybe sometimes, will find helpful. Worth their time. Or perhaps, amusing. Whatever.
I see this rather like spelunking, or cave exploring...somewhat fun, sort of demanding, not knowing what to expect around the next bend, occasionally having to duck down pretty low, and often a bit scary (yep, that's me, squeezing through a tight spot in Kentucky last January, while caving with my son's Scout Troop). In reality, taking a Christ-centered, Spirit-led walk through this earthly life is always that way. At least it is for me.
So...why not give it a whirl? I may bump my head a few times, but it won't be the first time! Nor the last. I've been a pastor for over 20 years; worked on a regional church staff; and consulted with various churches about (ugh!) church growth, renewal, and revitalization. I've bumped my head, banged my shins, inserted my foot (deeply) in my own mouth, and generally wandered in the dark many a time.
I've learned to always keep extra batteries handy, watch my step, keep my helmet on, not go off too far on my own, and always listen to the suggestions of the guide.
That's what you'll find here, mostly, as we wander along together: suggestions from (and about) the Guide.
So, welcome. Let's take a hike and explore some new places together, even if they have been visited before by others. I've noticed while scraping around underground that some places seen many times already, already explored and noted, look vastly different when the light shifts, or the water level changes, and depending upon who you are with. And, who knows? Maybe we'll discover some new passages too.
1 comment:
Way to go Barry, may this blog be a blessing and inspiration- one might say- not just why not?- but, it's about time!
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