Below is another prayer for Trinity Sunday. I guess it could apply any time though, really. Each week I usually try to include a "prayer of commitment" (or some other response for the gathered community) after the Word is proclaimed in worship. It is not enough for us to just "fill the pews" at our regular worship times. Proclaiming God's Word always demands a response. Hearing God's truth is always an invitation to us, demanding more of us than just showing up to "fill our tanks for the week." Indeed, when folks are asked "Why do you go to church?", one of the most common responses is that we go to be spiritually fed and powered-up for the week ahead. We go to worship to top off our spiritual tanks.
I contend that rightly understood, being fed and powered-up is really a BY-PRODUCT of true worship--a gift from God to be sure, but not THE reason for worship. We worship because we are CREATED to worship. We worship God mainly because God DESERVES our praises and thanksgivings. Adoration is the prime reason and motivation for worship. We are not the "audience" and God is not the Primal Actor. We are the Created whose primary responsibility is acknowledging and worshiping our Creator. As I've heard it said by some great teachers of worship, true worship should always cost us something. Check out Romans 12.1-2.
A Prayer of Commitment
Lord of Creation, we cannot look at any part of this world, even with its storms, fires, and earthquakes, and not be amazed by your power and your providence. Yet so often we live as if you don't exist! Accept our promise today to live not only to live in the knowledge of your Reality, but our promise to participate with you in renewing and redeeming the world, starting when and where we can, in our own lives, loves, and relationships. So helps us, Lord; you have made us in your image. Let us reflect that image always! Amen.
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