We had an ice storm where I live this Thursday night. So did a lot of other people this week, and last. Such things FORCE us to slow down, literally. Perhaps they also serve to remind us that we are not as in control of things as we think we are, or like to be. They humble us. And perhaps even, they force us to pay attention a bit more, to stay "awake", and keep our lamps lit, and try to discern that murky
path in the desert, and to watch...
Lord of Advent, of Time, of Space, of Life, Death, and our own lives,
we commit ourselves in this final week of Advent to let You work
on us, to work in us, to "build Your house" through us, and with us.
Make us into those "living stones" that we might stand against
everything in creation that seeks to ruin and defame Your Realm.
We commit to wonder, awe, joy, love, peace, and hope, as we prepare
yet again to kneel at the manger, to behold Power and Might, Love
and Peace, made alive, made new, made real for us, and made
unassailable by darkness. Amen.